Website Poll

Respondent Nationality Non-Citizen
If you're a non-citizen, please specify your country of origin: Single and Aging: The Challenges of Growing Older Alone
Respondent Age 30 – 39 years
What was your main purpose in visiting this site? I was looking for information about tender
Did you accomplish your purpose? Yes
What do you think needs to be improved in the website?

LOL Doz that might crack thier egos a bit. That is why they refuse to look at the LOGIC of this study. You are in fact right. The MAJORITY on this site are WHITE, therefore the numbers are skewed from the start. White people have this intense need to always turn things around to make themselves feel and look better.

Anyone with a brain can look deeper into this study and see what the reality is.

January 21, 2010 at 10:01 pm
Durham Bull says:
Well this white male prefers black women over all other types. Sorry but dark hair (especially afros or locks), dark eyes and dark skin are stunningly beautiful in my book. Black women have the curves and lips that other races pay money to have. Black women age exceptionally well too. Out of all the women in the world, my least attractive are the pale nordic types.

January 22, 2010 at 2:12 am
Miss Blessd says:
Ok well here goes:

People, people, people…calm down LOL

I am black and am pretty much open to all races offline or online. I have observed that black women open to dating online might tend to be more open to dating other races but offline…barely any are. Trust me they only want to date black men. So, don’t get too riled up about that either way.