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I found your post to be very thoughtful and honest. I, as a white woman, don’t want to date minories because I feel they see me as a status symbol, nothing else. Also, I find the fact that some minorities don’t want to date members of their own races disturbing. I’d never ever date/marry a man of another race who hates the women of his own race, or only wants to date whites, but ignores other races of women, eventhough they would be better looking than me. I don’t hate other races, but I don’t want to be a status symbol either. That’s why I prefer white men.

Greetings from a white woman to a thoughtful black woman.

February 24, 2010 at 12:06 pm
Intra race hate says:
Sorry for the double posts on Intra race hate. But i didn’t see my orignal one so i made another one.


I commend White women like you who do not let minority self hate go to your heads. In the end even the Whites who these desperate white obsessed people of color pursue are being used. You are not loved or admired for being an individual person with a personality, character. You are only seen as a SYMBOL. That is it. Nothing more. I mean I would never want to be with anyone who thinks so badly about thier own race and self. What will happen to your kids. How will that person of color raise a healthy esteemed child who will be half of the very race they came from and felt wasn’t good enough for them to date/marry?