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whenever we meet in the coffee room, we say hii and then some talk about what we did on weekend or about the work or some sport.

Some body told me it is inappropriate to ask a girl out at work place, as it mess up with your professional life and gets a bad name.

Please help this single guy.


fasteddie Says:
March 21st, 2011 at 11:40 pm
Hi ,

So heres my situation. I have a huge crush on a girl @ work. I have talked w/

her on numerous occasions(briefely). I made her smile atleast. I finally built up

the courage to ask for her number. After everyone said “do it.” lol. I didnt build

up much of a plan. I just went for the oh so random. “Do you have a number”? I

know not very creative. She said “that someone had just asked”. “The same

question”. This was confirmed by me. She said “she just came out of a long

relationship”. “She wasnt really looking for one”. I said . . . so no phone

number than.” “She said you can get it from ****”.

Should I even try again?

Mr.Jason Says:
March 23rd, 2011 at 10:37 pm