RIMBA AIR FORCE BASE, Wednesday, 02 November 2022 – The opening ceremony of the 26th Exercise AIRGUARD between No. 2 Wing, Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) and 18 Divisional Air Defence Artillery Battalion, Republic of Singapore Air Force (18 DA Bn RSAF) took place today at the Air Movement Centre (AMC), Rimba Air Force Base (Rimba AFB). No. 2 Wing RBAirF is hosting this year's 26th Exercise AIRGUARD which will be held for 15 days from 31 October 2022 until 14 November 2022 after it was delayed due to COVID-19 pandemic since 2020.
The exercise is Co-Directed by Lieutenant Colonel (U) Amierul Halpi bin Talip, the Commanding Officer of No. 2 Wing, RBAirF together with Lieutenant Colonel Ang Khim Seng, Commanding Officer of 18 DA BN, RSAF. The commencement of 26th Exercise AIRGUARD was officiated by Co-Director of RBAirF. Commanding Officer of No. 2 Wing in his welcoming remarks shared how the concept of this exercise is expanding due to evolution of air threats with the proliferation of drones. Thus, the involvement of Unmanned Aerial System (UAS), drones and drone jammers as part of exercise injects will ensure that this exercise stays current and as realistic as possible. He also highlighted that this exercise is a credible platform for defence knowledge exchange, sharing experience and best practices as well as expertise at all levels.
Exercise AIRGUARD involve the participation of RSAF Robotsystem (RBS) 70 Ground-Based Air Defense (GBAD) systems with Portable Surveillance Target Acquisition Radar (P-STAR) system, RBAirF Mistral GBAD systems, and more than 113 personnel from both air forces as well.
Exercise AIRGUARD is a GBAD bilateral exercise conducted annually between RBAirF and RSAF with the objective of strengthening the cooperation and cohesiveness, improving the inter-operability of GBAD systems in tactics, techniques and procedures. Additionally, this exercise also allows both RBAirF and RSAF personnel to engage in a broad spectrum of activities and interactions, other than the exchange of knowledge, skills and experiences from an air defence perspective.

PANGKALAN TENTERA UDARA RIMBA, Rabu, 02 November 2022 – Upacara Pembukaan Eksesais AIRGUARD yang ke-26 di antara Cawangan No. 2, Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) dan 18 Divisional Artillery Battalion, Tentera Udara Republik Singapura (18 DA BN, TURS) telah diadakan pada hari ini bertempat di Pusat Gerakan Udara, Pangkalan Tentera Udara Rimba (PTU Rimba). Eksesais ini berlangsung selama 15 hari bermula 31 Oktober 2022 hingga 14 November 2022 selepas ianya ditangguhkan sejak tahun 2020 disebabkan pandemik COVID-19.
Eksesais tersebut telah dirancangkan bersama di antara Leftenan Kolonel (U) Amierul Halpi bin Talip, Pegawai Pemerintah Cawangan No.2, TUDB dan Leftenan Kolonel Ang Khim Seng, Pegawai Pemerintah 18 DA BN, TURS. Upacara pembukaan eksesais ini telah dirasmikan oleh Pegawai Pemerintah Cawangan No. 2, TUDB. Di dalam ucapan Pegawai Pemerintah Cawangan No. 2, beliau telah mengongsikan bagaimana konsep eksesais yang dilaksanakan pada tahun ini adalah berbeza berdasarkan evolusi ancaman udara seperti serangan drones. Dengan adanya penglibatan daripada sistem Unmanned Aerial Surveillance (UAS), drones dan drone jammers, eksesais pada kali ini akan dapat memberikan simulasi ancaman semasa dan gambaran sebenar. Beliau juga menjelaskan dengan adanya eksesais ini, ianya dapat dijadikan landasan bagi berkongsi maklumat, pengalaman serta kemahiran di setiap peringkat.
Eksesais AIRGUARD melibatkan penggunaan sistem senjata pertahanan udara Robotsystem (RBS) 70 bersama Portable Surveillance Target Acquisition Radar (P-STAR) daripada TURS dan sistem pertahanan udara Mistral daripada TUDB. Lebih 113 anggota yang terlibat dalam eksesais ini dari kedua belah pihak.
Eksesais AIRGUARD adalah latihan pertahanan udara dua hala yang dikendalikan setiap tahun di antara TUDB dan TURS bertujuan untuk memperkukuhkan kerjasama dan kesepaduan, mempertingkatkan kebolehan beroperasi (inter-operability) dalam taktik, teknik and prosedur. Eksesais ini juga membolehkan kedua pihak anggota TUDB dan TURS untuk terlibat dalam berbagai aktiviti dan program interaksi selain daripada perkongsian maklumat, kemahiran dan pengalaman di dalam pertahanan udara amnya.