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PAW Enliven Nuzul Al-Quran

BOLKIAH GARRISON, Thursday 25 Sept 2008 –  The Women Company (PAW) of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) yesterday also held a Khatam al-Quran ceremony to mark the completion of the nightly ‘tedarus’ and to commemorate Nuzul Al-Quran in the month of Ramadhan. The ceremony was held at the Women Company’s headquarters in Bolkiah Garrison. 

The event commenced with a religious talk by an invited guest speaker, Ustazah Hajah Noraini binti Saman with the topic “Nuzul Al-Quran”. This was followed with the performing of the mass Zuhur prayer before the khatam al-Quran ceremony commences with the mass recitation of Al-Quran verses, then a Tahlil and Tahtim. Soon after the tahtim, the Zikir Marhaban began accompanied with the sprinkling of bunga rampai and presentation of bunga telur to participants of the khatam al-Quran. 

The event further continued with the presentation of souvenir to the guest speaker and gifts to new muslim converts and donations to orphans. The ceremony closed then with a doa selamat.
