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Director of Intelligence

Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen bin Pg Haji Ali Hassan was born on 26 July 1974. He started his military career when he enlisted into the RBAF on 3 January 1994 and commissioned from the Royal Air Force College, Cranwell, United Kingdom on 9 February 1995. Upon commissioning, he was awarded the ‘Sarah Moland Memorial Prize for Outstanding Courage and Fortitude’. He holds a Post Graduate Diploma (PGDA) in Defence and Strategic Studies from Massey University, New Zealand (2011) and also a Masters of Science (M.Sc) in Defence Management from the Indonesian Defence University (2014).

Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen is an Air Force Supply/Logistics Officer by vocation where he has attended various logistics courses in the United Kingdom (Supply Officer Training in 1997 and Intermediate Logistics Management Course in 2004) and Singapore (Army Advanced Logistics in 2010). Apart from logistics courses, Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen has attended other courses such as Aviation Medicine (1995), Basic Manpower (1999) both in Singapore and the Junior Staff Course, New Zealand in 2002 where he was awarded the Best International Student Award for that course.  

Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen has held logistics post such as the Air Force Quartermaster (1996-1997), Flight Commander Technical Supply (2001-2005) and Officer Commanding Supply Squadron (2009-2012). However, throughout his career he has had the opportunity of holding several posts outside the logistics domain such as Staff Officer Grade 3 Personnel and Admin, RB Air Force Headquarters (1998-2000), Aide-de-Camp to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince, Senior Minister at the Prime Minister’s Office (2006-2009), Officer Commanding Administration Wing, RB Air Force HQ (2012-2014), Senior Directing Staff at the RBAF Command and Staff College (2014-2016), Chief Instructor at RBAF Defence Academy (2016-2019), Director Performance Optimisation Centre (2019-2021), Defence Attaché in Washington D.C., USA (2021-2024) and currently Director of Intelligence. Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen had the privilege of attending the inaugural Royal Brunei Armed Forces Command and Staff Course in 2010-2011 and subsequently was selected to pursue his Masters at the Indonesian Defence University from 2012 to 2013. Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen was also appointed as the Task Force (Support) Commander COVID-19 during the height of the pandemic in 2020.

In recognition for his service and with the consents of His Majesty The Sultan And Yang Di-Pertuan of Brunei Darussalam, Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen has been bestowed the Darjah Setia Negara Brunei Yang Amat Bahagia Fourth Class (PSB) in 2011, and Darjah Seri Paduka Mahkota Brunei Yang Amat Mulia Third Class (SMB) in 2022.

Colonel (U) Pg Haji Mohd Hasreen is married to Pg Hartini, a Clinical Psychologist and is blessed with 3 sons and a daughter. He is an ardent sportsman that includes triathlon, cycling and running.




Prior to July 2012, the Directorate of Intelligence was known as the Directorate of Intelligence and Security where it oversees matters of Security before that function was handed over to the Defence Security Branch, Directorate of Strategic Planning/The Defence Minister’s Office.



Superior Integrated Intelligence


To Enhance Strategic Military Intelligence Capability of The Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF) And Ministry of Defence (MINDEF) By Providing Strategic, Timely, And Relevant Intelligence Assessment.


The Directorate of Intelligence has four (4) major roles, which are:  
a.    To provide intelligence services in an actionable, effective, timely & accurate manner;

b.    To provide strategic and operational military threat assessment for the country, MINDEF and RBAF;

c.    As a point of contact for all kinds of interactions between MINDEF and Foreign Defence Organizations as well as foreign missions in Brunei Darussalam; and

d.    To produce and oversee the implementation of intelligence and training policies for MINDEF and RBAF personnel.


The Directorate of Intelligence also contributes to the defence diplomacy and cooperation efforts at the regional and international levels. 

These are through its participations in meetings and gatherings such as the ASEAN Military Intelligence Meeting (AMIM) and the Asia Pacific Intelligence Chiefs Conference (APICC). The Directorate of Intelligence Is also an active participant in the ASEAN Militaries Analysts-to-Analysts Intelligence Exchange (AMAAIE) in Manila, Philippines and Jakarta, Indonesia respectively. Interactions from these Meetings are regarded as important platforms for confidence building and enhancing cooperation and military relations between countries.

In 2023, the Directorate of Intelligence had successfully hosted the 1st ASEAN Junior Intelligence Interaction Programme held in Brunei Darussalam where 9 countries within South East Asia participated. It was first introduced by the directorate during the ASEAN Chairmanship of Brunei Darussalam in 2021.

In the effort to establish and enhance networking with regional and international military intelligence establishments, the Directorate of Intelligence is also actively cooperating in bilateral intelligence exchanges (INTELEXES) with the military intelligence agencies of friendly countries.  The benefits from these INTELEXES are two-folds, firstly, sharing of information and perspectives on the security issues of respective countries as well as security issues of common concerns. Secondly the exchanges promote closer defence relations with the partners hence enriching the defence diplomacy drive. The Directorate of Intelligence currently holds regular INTELEXES with the US, Malaysia, Singapore, Philippines, Australia, Indonesia, Thailand, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and Vietnam. 

Directorate of Intelligence
Ministry of Defence
Bolkiah Garrison BB3510
Negara Brunei Darussalam

Tel No: 2386343
Fax No: 2338867