MYANMAR, Wednesday, 21 February 2018 – The first (1st) ASEAN Military Medicine Conference (AMMC) 2018 convened in Yangon, Myanmar on 18 February 2018 until 21 February 2018. Hosted for the first time in the region by the Directorate of Medical Services under the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), the Republic of the Union of Myanmar, the 1st AMMC was an initiative resulting from the discussions of the ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) Experts’ Working Group (EWG) on Military Medicine, co-chaired by Myanmar and India.
The main theme of the AMMC 2018 is “Military Medicine for All”, with the aim to share knowledge, best practices and skills focusing on “Military Medicine”, and to strengthen the capabilities of the military medical services through cooperation among the ADMM-Plus member countries.
The conference was attended by delegates from ASEAN and Plus countries, in which Brunei Darussalam was represented by Colonel (Dr) Awang Mohd Hafizul bin Haji Awang Hassan, Chief Medical Officer.
The conference comprised of plenary lectures, symposiums, countries’ presentation and poster presentations. At the closing ceremony yesterday, participants and delegates were presented with certificates of attendance and tokens of appreciation.
Col Dr Awang Md Hafizul bin Haji Awang Hassan, Chief Medical Officer chairing
Academic Session 2.
Cpt (Dr) Siti Nur'Raheemah receiving her Certificate of Participation
MYANMAR, Rabu, 21 Februari 2018 - Persidangan Perubatan Tentera ASEAN Kali Pertama (AMMC) 2018 telah dirasmikan buat julung kalinya di Yangon, Myanmar bermula pada 18 Februari 2018 hingga 21 Februari 2018. Dihoskan buat kali pertama di rantau ini oleh
Directorate of Medical Services under the Office of the Commander-in-Chief (Army), Republik Kesatuan Myanmar, AMMC kali pertama ini merupakan hasil dari perbincangan Mesyuarat
ASEAN Defence Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus) Experts’ Working Group (EWG) on Military Medicine ketiga yang dipengerusikan bersama oleh Myanmar dan India.
Tema utama AMMC 2018 adalah “Military Medicine for All”, dengan tujuan untuk berkongsi pengetahuan, amalan terbaik dan kemahiran yang memberi tumpuan kepada "Perubatan Ketenteraan" dan untuk memperkasa keupayaan perkhidmatan perubatan ketenteraan melalui kerjasama di antara negara-negara anggota ADMM-Plus.
Persidangan itu dihadiri oleh delegasi dari negara-negara ASEAN dan ASEAN Plus, di mana Negara Brunei Darussalam diwakili oleh Kolonel (Dr) Awang Mohd Hafizul bin Haji Awang Hassan, Ketua Pegawai Perubatan.
Persidangan berkenaan terdiri daripada ceramah-ceramah Pleno, simposium, perbentangan kertas negara-negara dan penyampaian poster. Pada majlis penutup, para peserta dan perwakilan telah diberikan dengan sijil kehadiran dan tanda penghargaan.