BALI, Monday, 5 June 2023 – The 20th ASEAN Military Intelligence Meeting (20th AMIM) was held by the Defence Force of Indonesia (TNI) at Bali, Republic of Indonesia, with the theme “Strengthening The ASEAN Military Intelligence Community in Response to New Regional Security Challenges”. The 20th AMIM was chaired by Rear Admiral Angkasa Dipua, Assistant for Intelligence to the C-in-C of TNI. Leading the Brunei Darussalam delegation was Colonel (U) Hj Mohammad Muluddin bin Haji Latif, Director of Intelligence, Ministry of Defence.
A day prior to the 20th AMIM, a Staff Officers’ working group meeting was held where Brunei Darussalam’s delegation was represented by Haji Azlan bin Haji Abdul Ghani, Senior Research Officer at the Directorate of Intelligence. A Joint Statement was consolidated during the Staff Officers’ meeting as well as a concept paper on ‘ASEAN Military Intelligence Community (AMIC)’, an initiative started by the Socialist Republic of Viet Nam and Protocol to the Formalisation of ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Forces Meeting, by Lao People’s Democratic Republic was also discussed.
During the 20th AMIM, fellow ASEAN Directors of Military Intelligence (ASEAN DMIs) also exchanged views on shared security concerns pertinent to the region. The meeting concluded with a handover ceremony between the Republic of Indonesia and the Lao People’s Democratic Republic as the next Chairman of the 21st AMIM in 2024.

BALI, Isnin, 5 Jun 2023 – Mesyuarat Perisikan Tentera ASEAN kali ke-20 (20th AMIM) telah diadakan oleh Tentara Nasional Indonesia (TNI) di Bali, Republik Indonesia dengan tema “Strengthening The ASEAN Military Intelligence Community in Response to New Regional Security Challenges”. Mesyuarat tersebut dipengerusikan oleh Laksmana Muda TNI Angkasa Dipua, Asisten Intelijen (ASINTEL) Panglima Tentara Nasional Indonesia, Staf Intelijen Tentara Nasional Indonesia (SINTEL TNI). Mengetuai delegasi Negara Brunei Darussalam bagi Mesyuarat AMIM ke-20 adalah Kolonel (U) Hj Mohammad Muluddin bin Haji Latif, Pengarah Perisikan, Kementerian Pertahanan.
Sehari sebelum mesyuarat AMIM ke-20, satu mesyuarat kumpulan kerja bagi Pegawai-Pegawai Staf telah diadakan di mana delegasi Negara Brunei Darussalam telah diketuai oleh Haji Azlan bin Haji Abdul Ghani, Pegawai Selidik Kanan Jabatanarah Perisikan. Antara perkara yang dibincangkan di mesyuarat tersebut ialah Kenyataan Bersama serta kertas konsep ‘ASEAN Military Intelligence Community (AMIC)’ iaitu hasil inisiatif yang telah dimulakan oleh Republik Sosialis Viet Nam dan Protocol to the Formalisation of ASEAN Chiefs of Defence Forces Meeting, oleh Republik Demokratik Rakyat Lao.
Ketua-Ketua Perisikan Tentera ASEAN (ASEAN DMIs) turut bertukar pandangan mengenai isu keselamatan bersama yang berkaitan dengan rantau ini. Mesyuarat tersebut diakhiri dengan upacara penyerahan di antara Republik Indonesia dan Republik Demokratik Rakyat Lao sebagai Pengerusi AMIM ke-21 seterusnya pada tahun 2024.