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TANAH JAMBU, Thursday, 16 January 2025 – The opening ceremony of the Command and Staff Course (CSC) 15/2025 was held today at the Auditorium of the Defence Academy Royal Brunei Armed Forces (DA RBAF). Present to officiated the ceremony as the Guest of Honour was Yang Mulia Major General Dato Paduka Seri Haji Muhammad Haszaimi bin Bol Hassan, the Commander of the Royal Brunei Armed Forces (RBAF). 

Also in attendance were Dr. Hazri bin Haji Kifle, Vice Chancellor of Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), members of the RBAF Executive Committee, representative from the Royal Brunei Police Force (RBPF), representatives from Foreign Missions in Brunei Darussalam, Resident and Non-Resident Defence Advisers and Defence Attachés to Brunei Darussalam, UBD faculty members, and senior RBAF officers.

The ceremony began with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and Surah Al-Anfal, verses 60–66, led by a representative of the course participants, Lieutenant Commander Abdul Azim bin Haji Abdul Rahman, RBN. This was followed with an opening remark delivered by the Guest of Honour and the flag unfurling ceremony. The unfurling of the flag symbolises the spirit of cooperation among the nations participating in the course and underscores the importance of fostering strong friendships throughout the course participant’s learning journey.

This year,  a total of 37 officers are enrolled the course comprising 16 RBAF officers, one officer from the Ministry of Defence, one officer from the RBPF, and 19 international military officers from 15 countries including Australia, the Kingdom of Bahrain, the People’s Republic of Bangladesh, the People's Republic of China, the Republic of Indonesia, The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, Malaysia, the Sultanate of Oman, the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, the Republic of the Philippines, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the Republic of Singapore, the Kingdom of Thailand, the United Kingdom, and the United States of America.

The Command and Staff Course 15/2025 is designed to enhance the participants' professional and academic knowledge in relation to contemporary strategic environments and their impact on defence and security. The course is a 46-week program in collaboration with UBD, which has been the academic provider for the past seven years.

Upon successful completion of the course, participants will be awarded the post-nominal “Passed Staff Course (Joint)” [‘psc (j)’] by the DA RBAF, as well as the UBD Master of Defence and Security Studies degree.


TANAH JAMBU, Khamis, 16 Januari 2025 – Majlis Pembukaan bagi Kursus Maktab Turus Sesi ke-15 telah diadakan pada hari ini di Auditorium Akademi Pertahanan Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (AP ABDB). Hadir selaku Tetamu Kehormat bagi merasmikan majlis tersebut ialah Yang Mulia Mejar Jeneral Dato Paduka Seri Haji Muhammad Haszaimi bin Bol Hassan, Pemerintah Angkatan Bersenjata Diraja Brunei (ABDB). 

Turut hadir pada majlis tersebut ialah Dr Hazri bin Haji Kifle, Naib Canselor Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD), Ahli-ahli Jawatankuasa Eksekutif ABDB, wakil dari Polis Diraja Brunei (PPDB), Perwakilan dari Kedutaan Luar Negeri di Negara Brunei Darussalam, Atase-atase dan Penasihat-penasihat Pertahanan yang tidak menetap dan menetap di Negara Brunei Darussalam, Ahli-ahli Fakulti daripada UBD dan Pegawai-pegawai Kanan ABDB.

Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah dan Surah Al-Anfal, Ayat 60-66 diketuai oleh wakil peserta kursus, Leftenan Komander Abdul Azim bin Haji Abdul Rahman, TLDB, diikuti dengan ucapan perasmian oleh Tetamu Kehormat dan diteruskan dengan upacara mengibarkan bendera. Upacara Pengibaran Bendera tersebut melambangkan semangat kerjasama antara negara-negara yang mengambil bahagian dalam kursus ini dan menekankan kepentingan untuk membina persahabatan yang kukuh sepanjang perjalanan pembelajaran peserta kursus.

Seramai 37 pegawai menghadiri kursus tahun ini termasuk 16 pegawai dari ABDB, seorang pegawai daripada Kementerian Pertahanan, seorang pegawai daripada PPDB dan 19 lagi pegawai tentera antarabangsa dari 15 negara; Austalia, Kerajaan Bahrain, Republik Rakyat Bangladesh, Republik Rakyat Cina, Republik Indonesia, Kerajaan Hasyimiyah Jordan, Malaysia, Kesultanan Oman, Republik Islam Pakistan, Republik Filipina, Kerajaan Arab Saudi, Republik Singapura, Kerajaan Thailand, United Kingdom dan Amerika Syarikat.

Kursus Maktab Turus Sesi 15/2025 direka khusus untuk meningkatkan pengetahuan profesional dan akademik peserta kursus berkaitan dengan persekitaran strategik kontemporari dan kesannya terhadap pertahanan dan keselamatan. Kursus ini merupakan program yang berlangsung selama 46 minggu yang dikendalikan dengan kerjasama UBD sebagai penyelia akademik selama tujuh tahun sehingga kini.

Di penghujung kursus ini, peserta-peserta kursus yang berjaya akan dianugerahkan “passed staff course (joint)” [‘psc (j)’] daripada pihak AP ABDB dan memperolehi Ijazah dalam Master in Defence and Security Studies daripada pihak UBD. 
