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BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Sunday, 15 September 2024 – The 28th iteration of Exercise AIRGUARD between No. 2 Wing, Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) and the 18 Divisional Air Defence Artillery Battalion, Republic of Singapore Air Force (18 DA Bn RSAF) successfully concluded on 12 September 2024 at Bukit Agok Firing Range. This year's exercise involved 72 personnel—37 from the RBAirF and 35 from the RSAF—demonstrating the ongoing cooperation between the two air forces.

Present at the closing ceremony were Lieutenant Colonel (U) Mohd Hairy Erwandy bin Haji Raya, Commander of Operations Group, RBAirF, and COL Lau Kai Heng, Anthony, Commander of Divisional Air Defence Group (DAG), RSAF. During the event, COL Lau delivered remarks highlighting the exercise's success and the importance of the strong bilateral relationship between Brunei and Singapore. In his closing remarks, Lieutenant Colonel (U) Mohd Hairy Erwandy echoed the need to expand the scope of future exercises. A symbolic handover of the AIRGUARD flag to the RSAF followed, marking the official transition for the 29th Exercise AIRGUARD, which will be hosted by Singapore in 2025.

Following the end of the exercise, participants engaged in several activities such as a community service project with the KACA Association, which enhanced the social contributions of both air forces. Lieutenant Colonel (U) Mohd Hairy Erwandy and COL Lau led a brisk walk at the Eco Corridor, fostering camaraderie among the personnel. The official closing dinner, attended by both air forces, concluded the event, celebrating the successful collaboration and achievements of the 28th Exercise AIRGUARD.

Exercise AIRGUARD continues to serve as a key platform for enhancing defence diplomacy and military cooperation between the RBAirF and RSAF, showcasing their commitment to regional security and operational readiness.


BANDAR SERI BEGAWAN, Ahad, 15 September 2024 – Eksesais AIRGUARD yang ke-28 diantara Cawangan No. 2, Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) bersama 18 DA Air Defence Artillery Battalion, Tentera Udara Republik Singapura (TURS) telah selesai dilaksanakan pada 12 September 2024 di Padang Tembak Bukit Agok. Eksesais pada tahun ini telah melibatkan seramai 72 anggota – 37 daripada TUDB dan 35 daripada TURS – mencerminkan kerjasama yang berterusan diantara kedua-dua Angkatan tentera udara.

Hadir pada acara penutup ialah Leftenan Kolonel (U) Mohd Hairy Erwandy bin Haji Raya, Pemerintah Kumpulan Gerakan, TUDB dan COL Lau Kai Heng, Anthony, Pemerintah Divisional Air Defence Group (DAG), TURS. Dalam majlis tersebut, COL Lau menyampaikan ucapan yang menekankan kejayaan latihan dan kepentingan hubungan dua hala yang kukuh antara Brunei dan Singapura. Dalam ucapan penutupnya, Leftenan Kolonel (U) Mohd Hairy Erwandy mengulangi keperluan untuk memperluas skop latihan masa depan. Penyerahan simbolik bendera AIRGUARD kepada RSAF kemudian diadakan, menandakan peralihan rasmi untuk Eksesais AIRGUARD ke-29 yang akan dianjurkan oleh Singapura pada tahun 2025.

Selepas tamat latihan tersebut, peserta terlibat dalam beberapa aktiviti termasuk projek khidmat masyarakat dengan Persatuan KACA, yang memperkukuh sumbangan sosial kedua-dua angkatan udara. Lieutenant Colonel (U) Mohd Hairy Erwandy dan COL Lau memimpin aktiviti berjalan pantas di Eco Corridor, yang mengeratkan hubungan silaturahim antara kakitangan. Majlis makan malam penutup rasmi, yang dihadiri oleh kedua-dua angkatan udara, menandakan tamatnya acara tersebut dan meraikan kejayaan kerjasama serta pencapaian Eksesais AIRGUARD ke-28.

Eksesais AIRGUARD berfungsi sebagai platform dalam usaha meningkatkan Diplomasi Pertahanan dan kerjasama ketenteraan antara TUDB dan TURS, menampilkan komitmen bersama terhadap sekuriti serantau dan kesediaan operasi.