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Organisation Chart

This company is responsible for basic military training to potential male and female recruits before they served as trained soldiers in the Royal Brunei Armed Forces. The Basic Military Training consists of drill, shooting skills, physical training, basic signal skill, map reading and first aid training.

The training curriculum also included lessons providing general knowledge about the Royal Brunei Armed Forces and knowledge for the upbringing and development of personnel enclosing religious activities. Basic tactic and battlefield knowledge is also given to the recruits.

This company is responsible in providing work related training for the Royal Brunei Armed Forces personnel in accordance to their respective job trade, ranks level and posts. The courses conducted comprises of all trades in general such as clerical, drivers, signals and administration.

This company is the largest unit in the Training Institute that consists of 6 Training Wings that specialises in Signals, Military Clerk, Small Arms Tactics, Drills and Drivers. Course Company has the capabilities to conduct and co-ordinate several training and courses concurrently.

Some of these courses become the criteria for qualifying personnel for upgrading their trades and promotions respectively in the Royal Brunei Armed Forces.

The School of Studies is responsible to prepare the boys wing academically to achieve their BCGCE 'O' Levels examination and provides general courses from basic to advanced level for military personnel. This can be achieved through academic education, language programme and map reading skills.

The boys wing will attend the academic education from secondary 4 to the BCGCE 'O' Level according to the Brunei Cambridge Curriculum of the Ministry of Education.

The School of Studies also conduct an English language course for military personnel to enable them to do their work proficiently and efficiently. This course also prepares RBAF personnel beforehand to attend certain courses abroad that require proficient and fluent English.

A basic Malay language course is conducted primarily for loan service personnel in the country which enable them to interact and basically understand the Malay language and culture.

The School of Studies also consist of a Map Reading Training section that provides courses ranges from basic to advanced level for military personnel of all ranks. This section does assist training programmes conducted by other sub-units in the RBAF.



The Boys Wing Company was established in 1979. This unit is responsible to train and provide basic military training, leadership training and their administration. The boys wing comprises of selected secondary students from the government secondary schools after they passes their Lower Secondary Assesment Examination.

They continue their studies in the School of Studies in Secondary 4 until their BCGCE 'O' Level examination. A full time basic military training given after they finished BCGCE 'O' level. While, leadership training is given through the Co-Curriculum activities conducted by the School of Studies.

This company is also responsible to coordinate the selection of career for the boys by giving exposure on the various career and vocation in the Royal Brunei Armed Forces especially in the technical and mechanical vocation.

Military Cadet is a training unit responsible to train the basic military skills and drills to schools military cadets. There are 16 schools which are actively involved in the training programmes and activities conducted by the Military Cadet Unit.

Government schools and colleges are giving opportunities to students to participate in the military programmes as one of the schools or colleges co-curriculum activities. Through the Military Cadet Unit,Training Institute Of Royal Brunei Armed Forces provide supports by conducting military training activities during the school holidays.

The activities include jungle training that are conducted twice annually, shooting skills, Skill At Arms Competition among cadets and a joint training exercise with the Singapore National Cadet Corps (NCC). The military cadets also participate in the International Cadets Exchange Program (ICEP) in Singapore.

The Officers Development Wing prepares several courses that provides knowledge in any field related to military, leadership and execution of tasks of an officer.

This wing also prepare the Royal Brunei Armed Forces officers from the rank of Captain and below for their promotional exams. The syllabus for this development is produced by the Ministry of Defence and then conducted by this wing. This wing is commanded by a local officer whilst the education instructors are on loan officers from the British except for subjects related to local matters.





Admin Company is a supporting unit to provide an efficient administration in assisting the Headquarters and other sub-units in the Training Institute. Admin Company is given the responsibility to administer the Paymaster Office, Quartermaster, Transport Office, Cookhouse, Gymnasium, the Military Police, the Housing Office, the Officers' Mess, Senior Rank's Mess, Range Control Office and Training Aid unit.

This company will be continuously and directly providing services as required by these respective sub-units in the Training Institute.

The Range Control Office is responsible for the management of ranges in this Garrison. These ranges are conveniently and most appropriately located here to support our training curricula. 

The Binturan Range also supports weapons and firepower training and tests as well as joint training with other forces Its natural qualities qualify the Binturan Range to host many international shooting competitions. We hope to continue providing excellent facilities here while keeping its natural attributes to support all types of training and other requirements.