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RIMBA AIR FORCE BASE, Thursday, 09 January 2025 – The Royal Brunei Air Force (RBAirF) conducted a Change of Command Ceremony for the Deputy Commander of the RBAirF at Dewan Punai, Rimba Air Force Base. The ceremony marked the official handover of duties from Colonel (U) Hj Haszahaidi bin Hj Ahmad Daud to Colonel (U) Hismawadi bin Hj Md Said which will be in effect on 10 January 2025.

The ceremony commenced with the recitation of Surah Al-Fatihah and followed by a farewell speech from Colonel (U) Hj Haszahaidi, who reflected on his tenure and expressed his gratitude to the personnel of the RBAirF for their unwavering support and dedication.

As part of the formalities, the Handover Takeover Certificate was signed, officially marking the transfer of responsibilities. Colonel (U) Hismawadi bin Hj Md Said, the newly appointed Deputy Commander delivered his inaugural speech. In his address, he expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to lead and emphasized his hopes for the continued commitment and hard work demonstrated by the airmen and airwomen of the RBAirF. He also highlighted his intention to build upon the strong foundations laid by his predecessor.

A photo session followed, with officers and attendees capturing the moment to commemorate this significant occasion. The event was attended by the RBAirF Board of Excutive members, Senior Officers, Officers and personnel of the RBAirF, reflecting the unity and camaraderie within the organisation.

The ceremony concluded with a Doa Selamat led by Ustaz Pengiran Fakhrul Syakirin bin Pengiran Haji Zainuddin, the religious teacher of the RBAirF. The seamless transition of leadership underscored the professionalism and dedication of the RBAirF as it continues to uphold its mission and values.


PANGKALAN TENTERA UDARA RIMBA, Khamis, 09 Januari 2025 - Tentera Udara Diraja Brunei (TUDB) telah mengadakan Majlis Serah Terima Tugas secara rasmi bagi Timbalan Pemerintah TUDB bertempat di Dewan Punai, Pangkalan Tentera Udara Rimba (PTU Rimba). Majlis tersebut menandakan penyerahan rasmi tugas daripada Kolonel (U) Hj Haszahaidi bin Hj Ahmad Daud kepada Kolonel (U) Hismawadi bin Hj Md Said yang akan berkuatkuasa pada 10 Januari 2025.

Majlis dimulakan dengan bacaan Surah Al-Fatihah, diikuti dengan ucapan perpisahan oleh Kolonel (U) Hj Haszahaidi, yang mengenang tempoh perkhidmatan beliau serta menyampaikan penghargaan kepada warga TUDB atas sokongan dan dedikasi mereka yang tidak berbelah bahagi.

Sebagai sebahagian daripada acara rasmi, Sijil Serah Terima Tugas telah ditandatangani menandakan pemindahan tanggungjawab. Kolonel (U) Hismawadi bin Hj Md Said, Timbalan Pemerintah yang baru dilantik, menyampaikan ucapan alu-aluan beliau. Dalam ucapan tersebut, beliau menyampaikan rasa syukur atas peluang untuk memimpin serta menekankan harapannya terhadap komitmen dan usaha berterusan yang ditunjukkan oleh warga TUDB. Beliau juga menekankan hasratnya untuk meneruskan asas kukuh yang telah dibina oleh Timbalan Pemerintah sebelumnya.

Sesi bergambar diadakan bersama Pegawai-pegawai dan para jemputan merakam detik bersejarah ini sebagai kenangan. Majlis tersebut turut dihadiri oleh Ahli-ahli Badan Eksekutif TUDB, Pegawai-pegawai kanan, Pegawai-pegawai dan anggota TUDB, mencerminkan perpaduan dan semangat kekeluargaan dalam organisasi.

Majlis diakhiri dengan bacaan Doa Selamat yang dipimpin oleh Ustaz Pengiran Fakhrul Syakirin bin Pengiran Haji Zainuddin, guru agama TUDB. Peralihan kepimpinan yang lancar ini menyerlahkan profesionalisme dan dedikasi TUDB dalam meneruskan misi dan nilai-nilainya.