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REPUBLIC OF SINGAPORE, Thursday, 20 March 2025 - Madam Poh Kui Choon, Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Brunei Darussalam, attended The 5th Singapore Defence Technology Summit (SDTS) 2025, which took place from 18 to 20 March 2025 at the Shangri-La Hotel, Republic of Singapore.

The SDTS, first held in 2018, is a premier biennial event which serves as a platform for global leaders, experts, and innovators in defence technology to share scientific and technological insight, and provides an avenue for government and industry leaders to network and establish partnerships and collaborations.

​This year's SDTS, themed “Navigating an Uncertain Tomorrow – Technology and Partnerships” was organised by the Singapore Ministry of Defence and Defence Science and Technology Agency. On 18 March 2025, Dr. Ng Eng Hen, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Singapore delivered a welcome address that highlighted the dual-edged nature of technological advancements and underscored the importance of involving the creators of new technologies in discussions about their ethical use and regulation.

The summit also featured a Keynote address from Mr. Heng Swee Keat, Deputy Prime Minister, Republic of Singapore and remarks from several international government leaders as well as a series of high-level plenary sessions that addressed the most pressing issues in defence technology.

During the summit, the Deputy Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence, Brunei Darussalam also held a courtesy call with Brigadier General Yew Chee Leung, Deputy Secretary (Technology), Future Systems and Technology Architect, Ministry of Defence, Republic of Singapore, in which both sides expressed satisfaction on the continuous support and cooperation between both countries where 2026 marks the golden jubilee of their defence diplomatic relations. 

As part of the programme, the delegates from Brunei Darussalam also had site visits to Ensign InfoSecurity and ST InnoSuite which allowed them to explore technology solutions that could bring ideas to enhance Brunei Darussalam’s military capabilities and strategic initiatives, strengthening the nation’s defence preparedness and innovation.


REPUBLIK SINGAPURA, Khamis, 20 Mac 2025 – Yang Mulia Poh Kui Choon, Timbalan Setiausaha Tetap, Kementerian Pertahanan Negara Brunei Darussalam telah menghadiri The 5th Singapore Defence Technology Summit (SDTS) 2025, yang berlangsung pada 18 hingga 20 Mac 2025 di Hotel Shangri-La, Republik Singapura.

SDTS, yang pertama kali diadakan pada 2018, ialah acara setiap dua tahun yang berfungsi sebagai platform untuk pemimpin global, pakar, dan inovator dalam teknologi pertahanan untuk berkongsi pandangan saintifik dan teknologi, serta menyediakan ruang kepada pemimpin kerajaan dan industri untuk menjalin rangkaian dan mewujudkan perkongsian dan kerjasama.

Persidangan tahun ini, yang bertema “Navigating an Uncertain Tomorrow – Technology and Partnerships” dianjurkan oleh Kementerian Pertahanan Republik Singapura dan Defence Science and Technology Agency. Pada 18 Mac 2025, Dr. Ng Eng Hen, Menteri Pertahanan, Republik Singapura menyampaikan ucapan alu-aluan yang menekankan sifat kemajuan teknologi yang boleh memberikan impak positif dan negatif serta kepentingan untuk melibatkan pencipta teknologi baharu dalam perbincangan mengenai penggunaan dan peraturan beretika teknologi tersebut.

Persidangan tersebut juga termasuk Keynote Address daripada Heng Swee Keat, Timbalan Perdana Menteri, Republik Singapura dan ucapan-ucapan daripada para pemimpin kerajaan antarabangsa serta beberapa siri sesi plenary peringkat tinggi yang menangani isu yang paling mendesak dalam bidang teknologi pertahanan.

Di samping persidangan berkenaan, Timbalan Setiausaha Tetap Kementerian Pertahanan, Negara Brunei Darussalam turut mengadakan kunjungan hormat dengan Brigedier Jeneral Yew Chee Leung, Timbalan Setiausaha (Teknologi), Arkitek Sistem dan Teknologi Masa Depan, Kementerian Pertahanan, Republik Singapura, di mana kedua-dua pihak merakamkan rasa puas hati atas sokongan dan kerjasama berterusan antara kedua-dua negara yang akan menyambut jubli emas hubungan diplomatik pertahanan pada tahun 2026.

Program persidangan tersebut juga termasuk lawatan tapak ke Ensign InfoSecurity dan ST InnoSuite yang memberi peluang untuk menerokai teknologi yang boleh meningkatkan keupayaan tentera dan inisiatif strategik Negara Brunei Darussalam, mengukuhkan kesediaan dan inovasi pertahanan negara.​
